Brian Tai, better known as “Bowtai,” is the owner and head coach of Bowtai Fitness. He is a personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, nutrition coach, and recovery practitioner.
Bowtai has been coaching professionally since 2012. He received his Bachelor’s degree from George Mason University in Kinesiology and Biology. He continued his education becoming a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (NSCA), Certified Powerlifting Coach (USAPL), Certified Pain-Free Performance Specialist (Rusin), Certified Nutrition Coach (PN), and certified in Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (RockTape).
Bowtai and his team, offer all of their services in his private gym, District Barbell in Fairfax, VA. He also provides many of his coaching services online. His clientele ranges from young student athletes and bodybuilding competitors, to people recovering from injuries and retired individuals trying to remain active.